Why is it important to use the correct size cuff on my patients?

SunTech Medical Cuffs are designed to meet the AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) clinical standards for blood pressure cuffs. These standards were devised in order to ensure adequate pressure on the artery of the upper arm, which is necessary to produce an accurate blood pressure measurement. If a cuff is used on an arm larger than the specified range, the resulting reading will be falsely high. If a cuff is used on an arm that is smaller than the specified range, the resulting reading will be falsely low.

Do you offer private labeling?

For more information on corporate labeling, please contact SunTech by email or by phone:

  • US Toll Free: 1.800.421.8626
  • Main Line: 01.919.654.2300
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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